Friday, June 17, 2011

This Won't Last Forever

So being a female I really enjoy quotes. For my last quote I included a calvin and hobbes quote about time going by too fast. Well this time I wanted to share with you a similar one by Kurt Vonnegut. "Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you'll look back and realize they were big things." I chose this one to start off my post today because I didn't want to use a cheesy one I know you've all heard before. I like this quote because I personally believe that not enough people appreciate their current situation. Sure maybe right now you don't have your ideal life but that's the fun of it. The journey. I really encourage all of you to take time out of your day today and appreciate where you are in life. The only thing I can really relate to this quote is freshman year. I remember freshman year of college as one quick blur. Those nine months went by so fast and if I could go back I would do it all the same. Have my heartbroken by a boy that wasn't worthy, stay up all night playing mario kart with my friends, I wouldn't trade any of those memories for the world. 
Last year I decided to make a video of all the stupid things my friends did second semester on C3 (Cornerstone 3rd floor.) It's nothing great and not professionally made so please don't judge. It's mainly for the memories not the quality. I thought I would share with y'all but before I posted it I decided to double check there wasn't anything inappropriate on it. And seeing it even to this day brings tears to my eyes. I could not have asked for a better freshman year. I hope that everyone gets to experience that much happiness and friendship in their lifetime. I really think all of these people in this video have made me who I am today. 
One more quote I want to share with you is a Tom Petty quote. I saw this one fitting since we're all in school right now, even worse summer school. "You have four years to be irresponsible here. Relax. Work is for people with jobs. You'll never remember class time, but you'll remember time you wasted hanging out with your friends. So, stay out late. Go out on a Tuesday with your friends when you have a paper due Wednesday. Spend money you don't have. Drink 'til sunrise. The work never ends, but college does..." 
When you think about it all those little things like partying all night all added up to be one great thing. And I know that these next two years of college are going to fly by, but in the end I'll be happy with my memories. We all learn from own mistakes and if I have to be the first one to admit it I will, I make a lot of mistakes. But that's the fun of it. I hope you all can appreciate the little things in life that will someday end up being the big things. Go outside and play in the sunshine and remember you only get one shot so why not live the life you love? 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Feel Goods

Sometimes it seems things go by too quickly. We are so busy watching out for what's just ahead of us that we don't take the time to enjoy where we are.
Calvin of Calvin and Hobbes

Today I've decided to send some feel good vibes your way. Since I can't think of anything super relevant to blog about today I've decided to share with you somethings that make me happy. Ever since I've started with summer school I've been struggling with feeling a little lonely. Some people could call me needy, well that's an understatement but being in a long distance relationship is hard. And sometimes it sucks. So for all you people feeling a little down today I hope your day gets better. And remember that tomorrows a new day. I've decided to switch up my blog format just because I feel like it is more fitting for this post. Everyone deserves a little sunshine. 

I love this picture. Even though I can't have a puppy right now, due to my living situation I hope to have a dog this cute one day. I'm thinking a golden retriever. What do you think? Considering that I am a massive five feet tall I'm not sure if getting a big dog is such a great idea. Maybe a french bull dog :). Now and days I just tell people that my boyfriend's puppy is my own. Her name is Kira, she's a four month old husky... actually here's a picture. 

Cute eh? And yep, that's right you guessed it that's my boyfriend. Awkward. Well now that you know all about my personal life lets move on to something a little less weird. Yesterday I went to target to buy her a bone about the size of her head and a box of treats. While I was there I picked up an obnoxious orange raft to drag to the pool everyday. It never crossed my mind how awkward it would be to drag this thing from the crossing to the landing pool everyday.

I've come to learn to not care what people think. They're probably all just really jealous of my sweet raft. So I recommend if you don't have one of these yet, make your way down to target and pick up a five dollar float. It'll brighten up your day for sure. But warning not recommended for users over the height of five feet it's not very long. Alright well I hope everyone has a good day, get outside and enjoy the beautiful weather we are blessed with in the beautiful Wilmington!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Youth-- Probably Just Wasted on the Young

Do you ever wonder if you are wasting your youth in college? This thought crossed my mind tonight as I crawl into bed at 2:53 am and call my boyfriend. Just to give you a little background information I am in a long distance relationship with a guy that lives in my hometown. He's not in college and works at a law firm. You could almost consider us complete opposites. He pays for his rent, car, gas, phone, dog and utilities. He's a fully functioning completely responsible guy. While I on the other hand pay for food, sometimes. And well lets be honest I can barely take care of myself on a daily basis. But I am also a full time student at UNCW (go seahawks!) Anyway back to the story. When I asked him what he was doing he casually reported that himself and three of his friends decided to take a spontaneous bike ride into the night. And at this point in their journey they stopped to admire the large trees illuminated with lightning bugs on Elm Street.

Well I on the other hand just finished up three hours worth of accounting homework. Doesn't that sound like loads of fun? As I hobbled into my bed that's just a little to high for me I closed my eyes to try to escape the pain from my aching wrists. My carpal tunnel has been getting worse and my splitting headache wasn't helping. At twenty years old my body is already giving out on me what is to come of me in the next fifty year? As I let my muscles relax I stared up at the ceiling and thought I want to be on a bike ride.

Last semester I took two very different classes micro economics and performance of literature. Both classes taught me something very important inadvertently. And that something is to embrace the power of youth. Let me explain in my performance of literature class I had to give a performance of a poem and I chose to perform "Everybody's Free to Wear Sunscreen" by Baz Luhrman. My favorite line from this poem is"Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth. Oh, nevermind, you won't understand the power and beauty of your youth until they've faded, but trust me in 20 years, you'll look back at photos of yourself and recall in a way you can't grasp now how much possibility lay before you and how fabulous you really looked."After reading this line over and over again until it is ingrained in my brain it really made me wonder about my life. Am I taking advantage of all the opportunities I am given in my youth? 

The other class that really made me think was my micro economics class. I had Dr. Schuhmman and I highly recommend him, he's a great teacher. But one day he was trying to explain opportunity cost. And for those of you who don't know what it is, don't feel bad it's extremely unimportant but I will explain it to you anyway. It is the value of what you give up for the next best thing. One day in class he explained the opportunity cost of going to college. He explained our opportunity cost as being equivalent  to the money we could be making instead of taking classes, the experiences we could be having instead of studying for our finals, and the relationships we could have without the stress of school work. Is this four years of education really worth all the things we're giving up?

Someday I will grow old and I don't want to look back on my life and wonder why I didn't do what I really wanted to do when I had the chance. 

Sunday, May 29, 2011

To Do Before I Die

Think of all the things you have accomplished in the last three months. Is it anything to write home about? Maybe one or two things but what do you plan to accomplish in the next month. Do you have any life altering goals? I encourage you all to take a step back and look at what you have made of your life. Are you the person you really want to be? If not make a change. Last year I decided that over the past 19 years of my life I have done nothing I really wanted to do. So, I decided to write down everything I want to do and I created a bucket list. Since that day I have written down 184 things I would like to do in my lifetime. Today I decided to share with you a couple of those things.

Some day, I would like to think that I will marry a wonderful man and when that does happen I want an absolutely unforgettable wedding. So, number 182 on my list is to have a photo booth at my wedding.

My dad is a professional photographer and ever since I was little photos have been a window into the past. I've always been obsessed with polaroids and old black and white pictures so I think it would only be fitting to have a photo booth at my wedding. I hope that all of my guests will enjoy the photo booth and leave little notes on the back of their photos for me to remember that special day. 

Number 88 on my list is to one day attend Bonnaroo. As many of you might know Bonnaroo is a music festival that comes but once a year, it's kind of like Christmas. Every June this four day music festival is held in Manchester Tennessee. Over 150 bands will be performing this year for the ten year anniversary.

This year the festival is taking on a more hip hop style by featuring artists like Eminem and Lil Wayne. This is one of the reasons I have opted out going to the festival this year. Instead I hope to see another lineup much like the one of 2007 that featured artists like John Butler Trio and The Black Keys. 

I know that those things will take time to arrange and won't happen in the next year but my last item I am going to share with you will happen within the next three months. Number 53 on my list is to work at Walt Disney World. On August 17th 2011 this will be my new home. 

Working at Walt Disney World has always been a dream of mine and I can't wait to be apart of the dream team in the fall. I applied for the Disney College Program in February this year and found out that I would be working in a restaurant in the wonderful world at Disney. I hope this change is only for the better in my life and I'm excited to say that soon I can cross this off my list. 

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Something I Stumbled Upon!

So to start off my blog I thought that I would share with you a new guilty pleasure I indulge in, stumbling. I'm sure you are aware of what stumbling is but for those of you who have mistaken my verb for falling up stairs here its actually a website that takes you to random and new sites. This horrible yet great invention has claimed many hours, maybe even years of my life that I will never get back. So in this post I will share with you some of my favorite links I stumbled across today!

1. My apologizes for the language.

The first video I want to share with you has a bit of foul language but assuming at we're all adults we can appreciate the humor in this video. Not only is this one of my favorite songs but I thought I would get points for "communication methods." I mean honestly how can this not brighten your day, who doesn't love witty dances telling their ex-boyfriends to go  them selves.

2. Strange USA

Being the weird kind of person I am I take great interest in hauntings and creepy things in general. So while stumbling I came across this glorious site about strange things in America. You simply choose a state then venture to whatever city you please and check out all the worthwhile places to visit. Wilmington has six noted spots!

3. Saturday Night Live

Being one of my favorite shows I encourage all of you to bone up on the ins and outs of SNL. This site includes cast list, character lists, commercials, episodes, guest appearance lists, impressions, seasons, sketches and the weekend updates. Enjoy! 

4. 90's Playlist

Okay I'm going to be honest, my other guilty pleasure besides stumbling is 90's music. Being a product of the 90's is one of my personal qualities I value a lot. Just yesterday I rocked out to the musical stylings of Hanson while doing my hair. Just something about this music puts me in a much better mood. Hope you enjoy, I'll be spending the rest of my day listening to this playlist. 

5. Obey the Game

This game is 100% pointless, but completely entertaining at the same time. The game will have a word on the screen that you need to either obey or disobey by using the arrow keys. For example the word will be walk and if the game wants you to disobey the command it will flash the word disobey so don't blink. But if it doesn't flash disobey, obey the command. A little confusing but you'll get the hang it.

6. Last one promise!

Here's a link just to brighten your day, cute animal pictures. I know what you're thinking how does stumbleupon know all my desires? It will forever be a mystery.

Anyway that's my post for the week I hope you enjoy the explorations of my stumbling as much as I did. Have a great week!